Sunday, January 4, 2009

New years resolution

I hate making new years resolutions. Its like there's no point for it at all, after maybe a few months (or half a year, if you're really diligent) you'd have completely forgotten you made new year's resolutions at the start of the year. Then when the year's about to end, you suddenly remember them and tell yourself to keep to the resolutions you're going to make next year and then, in the end you don't again. It's just one whole vicious cycle.

Which is why, every new year's I don't write down my list of resolutions. But this year, I think I will. It's just one though, and I think it should be easy enough to keep to it. And its most beneficial to me and to everyone around me as well, if I do keep to it.

I want be a nicer person. Haha. Like in the sense that, I don't want to judge anyone anymore. I'm sick of it, I'm just so sick of people going around judging people for their dressing, their looks etc etc. It's so superficial and I really really hate it. I hate being superficial. Makes me feel like a whore or something. I want to learn to forgive and forget easily, and also to learn to let go of the anger or jealousy that's been harbouring inside of me.

Maybe also to stop procrastinating. But I know I won't keep to it. Because it's my favourite thing to do. Haha.

Random. But anyway, yesterday I had a nightmare that I had to go for internship during the March holidays. Yes, going for internship now is my worst nightmare. I swear. Hahahahaha.



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