Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm facing some kind of a wall when it comes to doing the movie trailer for school. I feel like I've hit this wall, and I can't venture anywhere from it. I just keep hitting it, over and over again. Well, to simplify things I'm just horribly stucks. The ideas I've come up with sounds really difficult to produce, and if I were to go with it.. I'd need great help from the mighty Mr Jovi. HAHA.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. My dog pissed me off. HAHA. My sister let her into my room early this morning and left her, so my dog started whining cos she couldn't get out. And her whining woke me up, and although its 11 am already, I was still tired. LOL so I had to get out of bed. Then I sort of planted myself on a chair and stoned at the tv without blinking, and my dog decides to be playful and jumped on my lap, digging her paws into my thighs. I screamed at her, cos it was painful.

And she ran away to the far far corner of the room and looked up at me with guilty eyes. HAHA SO CUTE. She just wanted her morning pat on the head, and me being grumpy this morning had to suffer my wrath of fury. Then she sort of inched her way as close to me as possible, being careful not to touch me. Then stared up at me like "I'm sorry."

Awwwwww. So I gave her her morning pat on the head. And she was happy again. HAHA.


Oh anyway today's my sister's birthday party. Lots of 9/10 year olds running around. Omg. *shudders*

I like kids, but below the age of 9. When they start being 9 or 10, they become more influenced and knowing of the media and start to become poseurs.. At such a young age. It only happens in this generation I've noticed.

I was still playing with barbie dolls when I was 9.

Heck I'm still playing with barbie dolls even now la.



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