Friday, September 26, 2008


I had the weirdest nightmare yesterday.

First of all I dreamt that my class (yes, all we mgbd-ians) were arranged on a class trip to London for a conference and extra classes. We were all happy and excited, except when we got there... THE PLOT THICKENS. One of our lecturers revealed that he wasn't our lecturer but in true fact, he had a devious plan to dominate. And we were all forced to be his chosen minions to help him dominate the world

I can't remember exactly what his plan was. But I remember that like, there was this procedure in which every first born were to be given to the corporation for training or something? And I had to be the one overseeing the procedure and stuff. THEN LIKE, CANNOT LA, VERY SAD. Some babies after inspection and everything were found to be "unsuitable" and instantaneously killed. And I could literally hear both the screams of their mother and the baby.

And so when one of the guards wasn't looking, I sneaked up and returned one the many babies to his mother. And I told her to run away as fast as she could. BUT THEN!! I was caught and the next thing I know we were both running for our lives and my very evil lecturer had sent thousands of security guards to chase us. We took some short cut and ended up at some dingy spooky cafe place that was haunted by POLTERGEISTS.

And this particular group of poltergeists were so intent on killing us. The lights were flickering on and off at first. I started panicking and I had my phone with me so I tried dialling a number but the phone was completely dead. And there was an old radio playing at first, then it suddenly reduced to sounds of really loud static. Then a porcelain bowl floated up in the air and swung at my face and I dodged, so it hit the wall behind me and broke.


So that mother, her baby and I tried to get out of the house. But it was too dangerous because the security guards were getting nearer to the cafe we were in, and if we ran out they would've spotted us and killed us. So its like, either way we die la. HAHA.

Then I think we snuck out through the back and we started running again. And I think this was the point where I almost woke up because the dream started to be really wacky. So we were running down this windy path and it led to my church. HAHA WTH. And we had chicken rice there. Yum yum. The next person I saw was my lecturer and I was frightened like hell. But he gave me a ring. HAHAHAHA???

And then I was confused. So I woke up. LOL.


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